Simple Wellness Habits to Practice Daily

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Daily Wellness Habits

Do you usually drag yourself out of bed, resigned to suffer the day? Do you then crawl back into bed, only to find you can’t fall asleep despite being super-exhausted? These tips can help.

Building and sticking to a few daily wellness habits can turn the entire quality of your day around. Take a look.

Overview of Daily Practices for Wellness

Stress, anxiety, burnout — you’re probably struggling with at least one if not all of these at once. The daily practices we discuss here can help you wrangle all those demons back into their box as soon as you wake up. Start the day right and keep it going more or less right as well.

Table of Contents

Staying Hydrated (How much water should you be drinking daily?)

When was the last time you drank water? Most people don’t drink enough water, and many don’t even know they can mistake thirst for hunger.

It’s even harder now: If you wear a mask while working outside the house, you’re probably ignoring signs that your body is thirsty to err on the side of caution. You might decide to ignore your trusty water bottle and keep that mask on.

An excellent solution to that is investing in liquid hydration powder. Made specifically for on-the-go use, one packet is equivalent to drinking 2-3 bottles of water.

If you’re among the legions staying home, you may not even notice that you’re thirsty. An excellent filtered-water dispenser is only useful if you actually remember to drink.

Staying hydrated is vital to your well-being, from your physical health to your mental focus and clarity. Aim to drink about 3.7 liters per day if you’re man, and about 2.7 liters per day if you’re a woman. Obviously, drink more if you work out or eat salty or sugar-packed foods.

Learn more about proper hydration here.

Develop a Morning Routine and Positive Mindset to Win the Day 

A daily morning routine can go a long way toward helping you establish a positive mindset to take you through the day.

In his book The Miracle Morning, Hal Elrod talks about a great six-step morning routine. The steps take little time out of your day, but you’ll feel their effects all day. Aubrey Marcus discusses other daily practices in his book Own Your Day, Own Your Life.

Simple Tips to Stay Energized Throughout the Day

Here are our top 10 tips to stay on top of your day all day!

  • A few minutes of silence at the start of each day
  • Get some sunlight
  • Give thanks
  • Meditate
  • Exercise 
  • Visualize things going your way
  • Make sure your breakfast includes protein
  • Stay hydrated throughout the day
  • Take a nap no longer than 30 minutes
  • Track your successes and good moments
  • Go to bed at the same time

Start off with Bulletproof Coffee

If your cholesterol isn’t high, this is a great way to enjoy your cuppa minus the jittery caffeine side effects. Popular with keto dieters, Bulletproof coffee gives you tons of energy without irritating your tummy.

And if you don’t have time for breakfast? Don’t grab your regular coffee and a doughnut laden with empty calories. Instead, replace that breakfast with a nutritious Bulletproof coffee by pairing it with these items:

Meditation Practice

Taking 10 minutes out of your morning to practice meditation can have long-lasting benefits. Meditation increases your self-confidence and boosts your cognitive skills, among many other benefits. And after a long, hard day, it helps you snare those zzzs more easily.

This fantastic meditation cushion adds acupressure to your meditation time for a double dose of stress relief. If you’re new to meditation, the Calm meditation app can help put you on the right track.

Practice Gratitude

Science has shown that more grateful people are more resilient and more satisfied with life. They also enjoy better well-being. Rather than waiting for Thanksgiving, try thinking of three things you are grateful for every morning.

Sleep Routine

At times like these, it’s easy to let your sleep routine move around the clock. Doctors’ advice? Resist that with all your might. Even if the days of the school run and working at the office are long gone, you need to go to bed at roughly the same time every night.

Final Thoughts

Trying to homeschool, keep the kids entertained, and work from home: Just one of these challenges is enough to leave you fraught with stress at the end of the day. Even worse, you have to grin and bear it amidst the uncertainty brought by the pandemic.

Now more than ever, practicing daily wellness habits is vital to boost your immunity and keep you as sane as you can get!

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